College Reps: You can access all parking and arrival instructions here. Plan to arrive 30 minutes prior to each fair's start time unless otherwise indicated. If you will be arriving late, please contact the MnACC Events & External Relations Committee at ANNOUNCEMENT: MNACC FAIRS – WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 Due to inclement weather, Como Park and Park High Schools have moved to e-learning and fairs are cancelled. |
MnACC does require all school sites to sign a photography release. However, many schools have asked that we do not publicly post photos where students may be identifiable. Please keep this in mind if you take any photos during the fairs.
Per MnACC College Fair Rules and Regulations, only institutional informative literature such as brochures and catalogs may be distributed to students at MnACC Fairs. Imprinted materials and promotional give-aways are prohibited.
We allow stickers and pens - but please no bags, posters, key chains, t-shirts, and the like. A number of our fair sites have requested reps donate swag items directly to the schools to use for raffles, college weeks, etc.
Additionally, we ask that reps are as present as possible and appear approachable while at the fairs. To that end, college reps are not allowed to wear earbuds during the fair. Doing so will result in a verbal notification and an email to your office.
STRIVESCAN MnACC is partnered with StriveScan and colleges may opt-in for this service (cost information below) in place of inquiry cards during the fall and spring fairs.